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Authors:Huang Ziwei; Zhao Dianyuan; Xu Long; Tang Li
Keywords:hepatic stellate cells;Kupffer cells;hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells;reporter mouse;Cre-LoxP
〔Abstract〕 Objective To trace and investigate the distribution of hepatic stellate cells by Cre-Loxp technology ofLrat Cre mice. Methods Lrat Cre mice were mated withH11 LoxP - ZsGreen - Stop - LoxP - tdTomato reporter mice and genotype of their progeny was identified by PCR. The liver sections were fixed, the antibody of liver non-parenchymal cells was labeled with immunofluorescence, and the expression and distribution of liver stellate cells and other liver non-parenchymal cells were analyzed by Imaris 3D reduction, as well as positively identify dual positioning of hepatic stellate cells. Results Lrat Cre H11 LoxP - ZsGreen - Stop - LoxP - tdTomato reporter mice specificiallyled to expression of red fluorescent protein tdTomato in hepatic stellate cells, providing a way to analyze the interactions between hepatic stellate cells, Kupffer cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells by immunofluorescence localization. Conclusion Lrat Cre strain as a specific reporter mouse for hepatic stellate cells can be uesd to trace hepatic stellate cells.